Potain City Class cranes are a staple of our tower fleet. They have continually proven reliable and efficient and match seamlessly with our construction partners on wood frame residential projects. Case in point: a new development building low-cost housing for families in Daly City, CA.
When complete, there will be 150 townhouse apartment units and a parking garage to accommodate 380 spaces.
Hoisting materials and equipment at the job site is the primary task of our Potain MDT219 flat top tower crane. The configuration of the crane provides a radius of 213 feet for coverage across a wide footprint, with a maximum capacity of 11 tons to lift and set wood frame components up to the top floor of the four-story structure.
Bigge provides crane service to commercial, government, and industrial markets. Bigge offers bare lease, crane sales, crane and rigging services, transportation, pre-planning, project management and engineering services to our customers and trusted partners.